IntelliFile v1.37

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Just to let everyone know that v1.37 of IntelliFile has been released. Updates for this version include: Updated LEXILLA library to version 5.4.3 and SCINTILLA library to version 5.5.5. Updated genUp4win library to the latest version available. Removed deprecated functions in C++17, defined in <codecvt> header.

IntelliLink v1.23

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Just to let everyone know that v1.23 of IntelliLink has been released. Updates for this version include: Updated genUp4win library to the latest version available. Updated Lee Thomason’s TinyXML2 library to the latest version available. Removed deprecated functions in C++17, defined in <codecvt> header.

IntelliPort v1.41

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Just to let everyone know that v1.41 of IntelliPort has been released. Updates for this version include: Updated copyright information. Fixed limitation to _MAX_PATH for long path names. Updated genUp4win library to the latest version available.